Welcome to Southwark Council's Online Funding Hub
Our grants are open to constituted groups and organisations to deliver a wide range of activities and projects that benefit Southwark residents. Individuals can apply for Cleaner Greener Safer grants and Devolved Highway Budget funding.
You can find information on available funding, get guidance on the application process and complete your application online here.
In addition, more general information on the council’s different grants programmes is available via https://www.southwark.gov.uk/grantsandfunding
If you haven't used this site before and don't have an account, click this button to begin.
Please note:
- Funding decisions will be emailed directly to you from this Grants Management Software using the “NoReply” address noreplysouthwarkgrants@southwark.gov.uk with the message header "New Message". Because of this 'NoReply' email address, emails may be automatically diverted to your Spam/Junk folders. To avoid this happening, add this NoReply email address to your Contacts and “Safe Sender/Not Junk/Not Spam” list, and check your Spam/Junk folders regularly
- The council is often required to publish the recommendations for funding and the subsequent decisions
- Applying for a grant is a competitive process and awards are subject to the availability of funds and may be subject to change