Southwark Council grant funding programmes run via this website

For more information on Council grant funding including opening/closing dates, please click here.

Cleaner Greener Safer:

The Cleaner Greener Safer (CGS) programme funds ideas from local organisations and individuals who live or work in Southwark, which permanently improve their local area.

Examples include creating a community garden, cycle parking on your estate, or renovating a play area near you. 

Funding ranges from £100 for small gardening projects to £50,000 contributions to large construction projects.

For more information, click here.

Southwark Pride Fund:

The Southwark Pride fund supports our LGBTQI+ communities to create events that celebrate:

  • lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender and queer identity
  • the culture, histories and rights of these communities

Events must take place in Southwark from Pride Month in June to the end of August.

Applicants can apply for up to £2,499 for their events. 

For more information, click here.

Black History Month:

In Southwark, Black History Month (BHM) has been celebrated widely for many years, honouring the achievements, culture and history of black people. 

Every October Southwark’s community puts on a vibrant selection of events and activities through the grants programme. These provide insight into the history and culture of the African, Caribbean and diaspora communities. 

Applicants can apply for up to £2,499 for their events. 

Grants can add funds to an event or fund an event entirely.

For more information, click here.

Culture Together Fund:

This fund supports arts and culture organisations to deliver projects that help Southwark’s cultural sector:

  • be more inclusive and equitable
  • be more sustainable
  • recover from the impact of COVID-19

For more information, click here.

Neighbourhoods Fund:

The Neighbourhoods Fund has about £630,000 to spend on community projects that make a difference in the lives and neighbourhoods of local people in Southwark.

Awards will generally be between £500 and £5,000 but larger amounts can be awarded in exceptional circumstances.

For more information click here.

Cultural Celebrations Fund:

This fund supports a number of outdoor events, which promote community cohesion and support thriving neighbourhoods.

Subject to council budget-setting processes, there is up to £95,000 available, which will be awarded by way of administering small grants (up to £4,000) and large grants (between £4,001 to £10,000).

For more information click here.

Active Southwark Olympic Legacy Fund:

This fund is offered to local organisations to help with the delivery of sport and physical activity that people do on a regular basis, especially for people that aren’t able to be active regularly (please note this funding is for equipment and facilities, see examples below).

For more information click here.

Getting Involved Grants (GIG):

You can apply for a Getting Involved grant if you're a TRA, Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) or another local group for council housing tenants and homeowners.

The grants are to run local projects and activities aimed at improving the wellbeing of people who live in council homes.

For more information click here.